An architect and builder and a student of Jan Kotěra and Josip Plečnik, who influenced Fuchs’ beginnings with his traditionalist approach. But Fuchs soon found himself part of the constructivist and modernist movement. Together with Oldřich Tyl, he designed the Trade Fair Palace, an icon of interwar functionalism admired by Le Corbusier himself. He worked with an idea of maximum functionality. His projects excel in perfect proportionality and geometric accuracy. He received a number of awards, both at home and abroad, such as the bronze medal at the International Exhibition of Modern Decorative and Industrial Arts in Paris in 1925 (for interior design) or being made a Knight of the Legion of Honour (for the design of the French exhibition at the Prague Fair in 1930).

Josef Fuchs

(*1894 Prague +1979 Prague)

studied architecture with Professor Josip Plečnik at the Academy of Arts, Architecture, and Design in Prague

cooperated with the studio of Professor Jan Kotěra in Prague

independent architect in Prague

Significant Works

Trade Fair Palace, Prague-Holešovice (in cooperation with Oldřich Tyl)

entrance building of the ZOO in Prague-Troja

house of František and Naďa Munk, Baba, Prague-Dejvice

ice hockey stadium in Prague-Štvanice
villas in Prague Pelc-Tyrolka and Prague-Dejvice

Realised buildings in Baba Housing Estate

1932 house of František and Naďa Munk, Baba, Prague-Dejvice